The Villa Architecture Magazine are currently inviting submissions for the 2021 Iranian Unbuilt Villa Award, which is one of the most prestigious distinctions for architecture and a barometer of the latest developments in the top segment of the field. The award is widely recognized as a seal of quality for outstanding architectural projects, positioning the award-winners at the forefront of the national as well as international architecture scene.
A panel of International architects will judge the entries on the basis of innovation, idea, sustainability, and aesthetics. Winners will be published in the coming up issue of online & printed Villa Magazine.
Unbuilt works are an important way of conducting architectural experiment, research and development – a way to speculate on the future and to critically engage with the present (and future).
The Villa Magazine Award for Unbuilt Work is the only avenue for the public recognition of this work in Iran and offers an exciting opportunity to help build Iran's architectural culture by recognizing works proposed but not built.
Practices of all types and scales may enter the Award and entries encompass a broad array of work, all of it connected in some way to Iranian architecture and the built environment.
The Award is an important stepping-stone for industry leaders of the future.
The Villa Magazine Award is conferred on unbuilt architecture projects in the categories single-family residential, and villas that are distinguished by outstanding architectural quality and beyond.
An independent jury of prominent architects awards the Villa Magazine Award for exceptional quality.
Architect SAFA, Art critic SARV, Professor GDUT, Helsinki, FINLAND
Esa LAAKSONEN is an architect who was the first director of the Alvar Aalto Academy since its beginning in 1999 until 2020. His main responsibilities at the Academy were organizing the yearly Alvar Aalto Architecture Symposiums, Seminars, Design Seminars and Meetings. He has acted as well as the editor of the Aalto Architecture Monograph series and as the editor-in-chief of ptah, English language journal on Architecture, design and Art.
Laaksonen was previously the Editor-in-chief of the Finnish Architectural Review, Arkkitehti in 1996-1999, the Head of the Exhibition office at the Museum of Finnish Architecture in 1998-1999 and the Regional artist of the southern Finland during 1994-98.
Laaksonen has received 29 prizes in national and international competitions (eight first prizes) for architecture. During 2016…18 he was on a three year state artist grant and wrote the large architecture monograph, Alvar Aalto – arkkitehdin vuosikymmenet (Alvar Aalto – the decades of an Architect), for the publisher Tammi (in Finnish) published in June 2018. He has been teaching Architecture and design and giving lectures in numerous occasions. Since 2015 he has acted two months a year as an Invited foreign expert professor at GDUT, Guangdong University of Technology, in Guangzhou, China. Laaksonen is also a member of the The Association of Finnish Non-fiction Writers, and writing at the moment (2021) a book on Finnish Architecture in Helsinki.
He has a professional practice in Helsinki together with the architect Kimmo Friman; Friman Laaksonen Architects ( The main clients have been Siilinjärvi commune, Helsinki University, the cities of Salo and Helsinki.
Siamak G. Shahneshin is a future-oriented architect, forward-thinker city-planer, an expert in sustainable development. Media call him a «Jules Verne unserer Zeit», «Die Querdenker», und «ökologischen Visionär». Shahneshin is the vital-catalyst for driving positive cultural change. His path began in arts and design fields. Catalyst for sustainable change — Shahneshin distills the fourfold streams of green-sustainability— environment, people, economy, and culture—into a roadmap that is understandable, transdisciplinary-integrated, participative, and most importantly, actionable. So, “l live, think, imagine, communicate, dialogue, sketch, design, work, build, produce, based on this fourfold stream guide in every decision, every-day with clients”. Shahneshin’s interest into both Michelangelo and DaVinci led him to Italy, and later to the Avant-garde School of Architecture AA in London, and Accademia di Belle Arti Firenze, ETH Zurich, GSD Harvard, KIT, and Politecnico di Torino. Experience on four continents — His approach calls the experiences that are gained during the time-of studying, living, and practising design in four different continents. “This experience deepened my understanding of culture, climate, and people and world wide issues greatly, which comes to life in my teaching and the practice of design.” Shahneshin, worked with renowned architects such as Daniel BH Liebermann, Frei Otto, Paolo Soleri, and SOM. Parallel to his practice, Shahneshin has been teaching and researching in universities in various countries since 1993; in Switzerland, for example, at EPFL Lausanne and at the ETH Zurich. His experimental teaching is characterised by a transdisciplinary approach and the pursuit of future-oriented innovative architecture and the development of revolutionary unortodoxial spatial-planning models. He has won several prestigious architectural and design awards, including the American Academy of Arts and Sciences Award, the Best Architects Awards, Gilberto Guidi Fellowship, the Iona Foundation Award, the RIAS Architecture Award, the Solar Building Design Award, etc. Shahneshin is the author of several scientific publications in the fields of cultural, environmental and social sciences, alternative development, architecture, landscape architecture and sustainable urban planning. His latest book, "Landscape Modeling: Geographical Space, Transformation and Future Scenarios", has been published by Springer Publishers. Shahneshin regularly teaching and lecturing widely and has served as a jury member at schools of architecture in America, Asia and Europe.
Co-founder and Principal of D.R.A.W (Design, Research, Architecture, Writing, Brooklyn, NY-USA) since 2011 and Co-founder and Principal of Studio Terragni Architetti since 1993 is a European licensed architect practicing between Italy, Switzerland, Albania and the United States. Her work extends from the analysis of hand-motion to the transformation of abandoned industrial and military infrastructures.
Terragni’s work raises issues of spatial and temporal discontinuities in the design of exhibitions, the conversion of abandoned sites and disused infrastructures for new public purposes.
In a number of places, such as abandoned highway tunnels and demilitarized zones, Terragni has installed museum venues and rededicated remaining buildings by treading lightly on the ground.
She has frequent consultation with private individuals and institutions regarding projects of renovation and re-adaptation like the consultancy for Trento Province in view of the development in the area around the tunnels project, 2010 to present, and for the Albanian Government on abandoned Cold War military sites.
In 2017 she just completed the National Museum.of Secret Surveillance and in the 2019 the Ismail Kadare House Studio in Tirana.
She just completed the rehabilitation and archive display of the CSAC Museum in Parma Italy.
Since the extensive renovation project of Giuseppe Terragni’s 1937 Asilo Sant’Elia, Como, entailing an integral structural renovation and overhaul of mechanical equipment, she is frequently invited to analyze economical and technical problems of landmark buildings from the 1920s to the 1950s.
+ Single-family residential / Villa work of any type—including new construction or rehabilitation—is eligible.
+ Architects, interior architects/ designers, planners, landscape architects, urban designers and other built environment professionals are invited to submit eligible projects.
+ Unbuilt projects proposed for or about Iran and Iranian are eligible.
+ International projects are eligible if undertaken by Iranian practitioners, no matter where they are based.
+ Entries can be proposals for works of any scale: large-scale urban or landscape projects, architectural projects, interior projects, small interventions, etc.
+ Entries may be proposals that are intended to be built, or they may be theoretical explorations that exist as models, on paper or in digital format only.
+ Entered projects must be unbuilt or not completed as the submission deadline.
Anyone is eligible to submit.
Iranian Architects around the world and other unlicensed professionals, including interior architects or interior designers, may submit projects.
Entries must send an email to and receive a unique submission code.
Two A3 Horizontal Sheets contain plans, section, facades, sketches, renderings, and project description text, which should be placed on the first sheet and it must be not more than 250 words.
Please include Villa Award 1400 in the subject line.
Please note that images must be submitted with your entry code.
Sheets must have the entry reference code on the right-top of them.
A hard copy of sheets does not need to be submitted.
Entries that do not fulfil these guidelines will not be considered for the award.
All material entered will be treated by the Awards Committee and judges as confidential.
All entries works must be submitted by and not later than OCT 18 2021.
+ The judging process is blind and based on peer review.
+ The identity of entrants is not revealed until jury decisions are finalized.
+ Jurors are required to declare any association or conflict of interest regarding an entered project and step down from the judging of that entry.
+ Jury decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into.
+ Judging for this award will take place digitally (21 October – 22 October 2021).
+ Winners will be announced on villanews official website by 25 October.
How the design brief was achieved including degree of difficulty and how difficulties were overcome design effectiveness and visual appeal design effectiveness including environmental sustainability
+ The degree of originality and innovation
+ visual appeal
+ Resource efficiency
+ Material/product choices
+ Proportion and scale
+ Use of space/flow and Sightlines
+ Presentation drawings and specifications
One winner will receive the villa magazine Honor.
The jury may, at its discretion, make a number of honorable mentions.
The award-winning projects will be presented and documented in detail in a showcase publication. And the organizer is in process of planning for traveling exhibition in Europe’s Architecture Museums.
+ Deadline for entry submission: OCT 05 2021
+ Deadline for submit the award material: OCT 18 2021
+ Jury: OCT 21 & OCT 22 2021
+ Announcement: OCT 25 2021
+ Ceremony: NOV 01 2021
No submission fee.
All entries are free for the villa magazine award submission.
Please include Villa Award 1400 in the subject line.