Concurrent to the unveiling of “A House for an Architect” Workshop’s accomplishments in Yazd on the 7th issue, Villa Magazine introduces its new workshop.
On November 12th of 2017, an earthquake with a moment magnitude of 7.3 occurred in Kermanshah. 630 casualties, more than 8000 wounded and around 7000 were displaced. The extend of this disaster which resulted in destruction of more than 12000 urban and rural residences, shadowed the success of these construction on the point of fulfilling the most fundamental aspect of a house, providing shelter and protection for its residents. showing countless deficiencies on providing necessary cultural and social qualities of life, these residential complexes have become the leading pattern followed by rural construction defining architectural and aesthetic values in the field. Whereas, according to the differences in scale and social structure, rural residence provides numerous social, cultural and structural opportunities focusing on which can define a separate approach to the design of a rural house independent from urban architecture and construction. Therefore, due to Kermanshah disaster, two new opportunities are offered to architects and construction executives. First, to prepare a precise evaluation of urban construction by careful examining of the strength and weaknesses previously performed tasks and afterwards initiating a thorough search to investigate their endless possibilities instead of supporting urban architecture’s cause.
The Workshop of “A House for a Teacher” recognizes community engagement as one of the most important opportunities provided by rural architecture in order to obtain a human-centered design and aims to create a fast, economical, optimum, vernacular and reproducible respond to the question of the displaced in Kermanshah. This workshop accommodates young architects with a chance to examine their newest and most innovative ideas through an act of public benefit.