Students will be part of exchanging knowledge

There is an urgent need to propose clever ideas in architectural designs in Iran that optimize the sustainable performance of vernacular architecture.

Human is the centre of natural exploitation and built environment, a belief that has been existed since the beginning of civilization when human started to adapt into the natural environment and to articulate nature into built-environment. 

Pars University - JAN 2020

There is an urgent need to propose clever ideas in architectural designs in Iran that optimize the sustainable performance of vernacular architecture.

Pars University - JAN 2020

Amir Abbas Aboutalebi in Pars University is planning to run a different approach that will seek to combine the aspirational aesthetic qualities of new lifestyle with the practical culturally relevant qualities of traditional methods and materials. 

Courtesy of Amirhossein Araab

 Students will be part of exchanging knowledge following approaches to health, culture, economy, and energy; Lessons and methods of “local wisdom” of Iranian Architecture about “Community architecture”, “Health Architecture”, “Architecture of water”, “Person-centered architecture” and “Aesthetic”, are keys entering the lab to develop above approaches during the semester, seeking for educational excellences provide a source of inspiration, motivation and understanding. 

 Students will be part of exchanging knowledge following approaches to health, culture, economy, and energy; Lessons and methods of “local wisdom” of Iranian Architecture about “Community architecture”, “Health Architecture”, “Architecture of water”, “Person-centered architecture” and “Aesthetic”, are keys entering the lab to develop above approaches during the semester, seeking for educational excellences provide a source of inspiration, motivation and understanding


Courtesy of Esra Sadeghi Majed

 Amir Abbas Aboutalebi in Pars University is planning to run a different approah that will seek to combine the aspirational aesthetic qualities of new lifestyle with the practical culturally relevant qualities of traditional metods and materials. 

Courtesy of Zahra Hamidi

Consideration & Evaluation Factors: 

+ Climate condition
+ Community Participation
+ Person Centerd
+ Affordability and usability (examples are multi-use of building spaces i.e. Kitchen, hall, bedrooms, patios, terraces, etc.
+  Local environment and culture
+ Visual comfort
+  Adaptability and integration with the local community
+ Security and safety of occupants
+ Sustainable design strategies (e.g. natural ventilation, natural lighting, etc)
+ Health (physical and psychological wellbeing)
