Taller Estilo Arquitectura

Taller Estilo Arquitectura

Phone: (999)927 39 03

Email: Contacto@tallerestiloarquitectura.com ,

Website: https://www.tallerestiloarquitectura.com/TE02MenuEnglish.html



We are a studio of architecture founded in the city of Merida in the year 2004, conformed by a group of Architects united by a common philosophy “create spaces” for the XXI century human being, whether totally new or as a result of existing recycled structures.

We believe in Architecture as art and science to create habitable spaces and not monuments in a Latin-American context. We work with the economic resources and local, regional materials no because of fashion, but because of convenience and conviction. We believe that “all the materials” have their own expression and is the architects work to get out the best of them and expound it as an essential part of the work.

We create an architecture that provokes emotion, not causing a sensation and at living it, we want the users to experience architecture with all 5 senses and not just with sight.


The Studio`s philosophy presents a harmony in the areas by the set of lights and shades, the aesthetic principals use the construction of geometric forms, which with the use of the light and the materials can create transcendent spaces.

The symbol that represents the Studio emulates that geometric simplicity but archiving a robust and solid structure highly identifiable.

Based on the Le Corbusier module, a golden rectangle was created in which a perspective of an architectonic interior was inscribed to represent in the most basic way the space creation concept.

The purpose of this identity is to be designed in an iconic way, since its simplicity helps recognition and guarantees the correct reproduction in different sizes, formats, and surfaces, achieving a unique and unmistakable image.


We are a professional team willing to provide complete guidance according to your requirements; an example of that is the orientation in the search and selection of an ideal property, as well as in the paperwork to acquire it.


Being design an important part in the creation of ideas to generate habitable spaces, whether new or as a result of the adjusting of an existing place, we care to consider all the aspects possible, collaborating in an active way with the client from the beginning of the project.


We will construct the project working with the regional materials and techniques, considering the most fitting options that adjust to your requirements, to give you the best costs and guarantee an optimum quality in all aspects.

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